Tulo talar om var den bruna hästen ska stå. Iallafall inte nära den lilla röda. Kan ju avslöja att han numera inte har så mycket att säga till om genemot den stora bruna.
Överallt och ingenstans.
In a bigger field, the heifers summer pasture.
Chasing Dessie...
Dessie had fun later, playing with the dogs.
Here we are at the other side of the valley, the mountain to the right of us is where the fika pictures were taken. Pappa och jag eldade upp ett gammalt staket, vilket tog hela dan, så jag åkte och hämtade Tulo, det var ju iallafalll en ledig lördag!
Svårt att betsämma mej om jag ska ta båten eller hästen, båda sitter ju fast med en båtlina...
Valde hästen till slut iallafall. Häst O´Hoj!
bye for now...
Away and home... ge sig iväg, återvända... how poetic an ordinary walk in the hills can get
time for some luke wark chocolates
and then a good scratch... hence the shape of the nose.
up in the hills, with the sound of munching
we (or I) needed (or wantet) some new inspiration, so we went on the road again
and met some old friends, and some new.
and finally, I got a picture of us on a tire. (When I was to tierd to learn any more )
aaand, a picture, of us, crossing the bridge to... over...there...
But then again, its not about the bridge.
Just the best picture of him yet. Norway and Ireland united.
A horse in a creek.
This is my exelent trailhorse Tulo looking cool in his outfit. We have just finished our three months trailride in the mountains. :-)
Tulo and Dessie in the forest, one eavning in August.
Tulo trying out blinkers. "But hello, now I cant see, really."
Tulo with his dear friend the little red racinghorse.
Tulo resting a bit in the forest, a bit bothered by the horse-flies. A rainy day giving him a funny colour after all the rolling in the dirt.
Work or leasure?
Im invisible. (OK, have to add this; Trail or Pleasure?)
This is where I live.
Going to the lake.
The lake.
Eating the lake.
Walking and eating. Multi tasking. This is mine pferd "Immer Essen". Mit ein shimmelt pferd, alles ist möglich. That is a very funny joke for swedes.
Just looking very elegant. (and eating)
Tulo camarging.
Spending to much time in the forrest? Eh, well, maybe...
...all my tattos are misspelled, and the grammar is wrong too...